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    III RiSeminaRi – Summer Research Seminars (History of Psychiatry, Urban Legacies of Empires, Anthropology of Work & Food)

    11/07/2018 | 15:30 - 12/07/2018 | 23:59

    DAY 1: Wednesday, 11. 7. 2018,   3:30 p.m

    Rijeka Mental illnesses and Patient Files: interdisciplinary approaches to historical research 

    Katariina Parhi (University of Oulu), Born to be deviant. Histories of the diagnosis of psychopathy in Finland

    Vanni D’Alessio (Univ. of Naples, CAS, CEASCRO) and Filip Čeč (Univ. of Rijeka, CEASCRO): A research on patient files from the Mental Asylum of Trieste and the problem of moral insanity and psychopathy.

    Vinko Drača (Univ. of Zagreb), Silent voices: Use of Patient Files in Historical Research of the Psyche.

    Heike karge (University of Regensburg, CEASCRO), Working with patient files from the Southern Habsburg / Croatian area. Challenges and perspectives.

    Milan Radošević (Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts – Department of Pula), Public and mental health in 20th century Istria: Institutions and perspectives of historical research

    Iva Milovan Delić (Univ. of Pula) and Marlena Plavšic (Univ. of Pula), Experiences on historical research on mental and other diseases in Pula at the end of World War.

    Discussant: Luca Malatesti (Univ. of Rijeka, CEASCRO).

    DAY 2 Thursday, 12. 7. 2018,  10:00 am

    Urban Memory of Empires / Anthropology of Food and Play 

    10:00  Presentation and discussion of the Project: Empires of Memory: The Cultural Politics of Historicity in Former Habsburg and Ottoman Cities
    Participants: Jeremy Walton (Project Leader, Empires of Memory Research Group, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen); Gruia Badescu (Research Association, School of Geography, University of Oxford); Miloš Jovanović (Project Member, Empires of Memory Research Group, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen);

    Discussants: Vjeran Pavlaković (Filozofski Fakultet, Rijeka), Vanni D’Alessio (University of Naples, CAS SEE Rijeka)

    12.30  Ethnographies of work and play

    12.30 Session 1: Shipyards

    Sanja Puljar D’Alessio (Filozofski Fakultet, Rijeka):  Ethnography of Organization: The case of the Shipyard 3. May;

    Andy Hodges (Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, Regensburg): title tba.

    14.30 Session 2: Food

    Barbara Turk Niksač (CAS SEE Rijeka), Going Back to the Land in Slovenia: Growing Food as Lifestyle Politics;

    Sarah Czerny (Filozofski Fakultet, Rijeka), Geographies of Milk
    Discussant: Jernej Mlekuž (Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, Ljubljana)

    End of DAY 2: Thursday, 12.7.2018. 6.00 pm
    Empeduja Beach Bar, Bivio (Kantrida)

    Keynote Dialogue on Food Ethnography with:
    Jernej Mlekuž (SAZU, Ljubljana)

    author of I feel kranjska kobasica. Kako je kranjska kobasica podigla slovenski narod  (Zagreb 2018), — Burek: A Culinary Metaphor (Budapest: 2015), —- ABC  Migraciji (Ljubljana 2011)


    – CEASCRO Project (Rijeka)

    – Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity (Göttingen)

    – Faculty of Philosophy and Human Sciences (Rijeka)

    – Center for Advanced Studies South Eastern Europe (Rijeka)



    11/07/2018 | 15:30
    12/07/2018 | 23:59
    Categoria Evento:
    Sito web:


    Università di Fiume/Rijeka (Facoltà di Filosofia, DIp. Studi Culturali)
    Sveucilisna avenija, 4
    Fiume / Rijeka,51000Italia


    Vanni D’Alessio (Univ. Napoli)
    +39 328 645 0443