



I currently am Research Fellow at Cevipof (Sciences Po Paris). Prior to this, I worked as a research and teaching assistant at Sciences Po Paris and at University of Lille. My research focuses on how far-right intellectual circles developed a transnationally network since the post-war period. I am particularly interested in far-right militants’ individual trajectories and the transnational circulation of far-right ideas. My research also explores contemporary forms of far-right politics and extremism. I hold a PhD in political science from Sciences Po Paris (2023) on the comparative history of citizenship in France and Italy and a master’s degree in History from the Università degli Studi di Milano. My research interests are: History of citizenship, fascism, neo-fascism, and far-right in Europe.


– C. De Nuzzo (2019), The Two Dimensions of the Border: An Empirical Study France-Italy, In: Migration, Borders and Citizenship – Between Policy and Public Spheres, Palgrave, Basingstoke
– C. De Nuzzo (2019), Populisme de droite, style ou doctrine?, In: Le Style populiste / [a cura di] Groupe d’études géopolitiques – Editions Amsterdam, Paris
– C. De Nuzzo (2019), Les mots de la campagne: “Le nationalisme”, Institut Jacques Delors
– M. Cinalli, C. De Nuzzo (2018), Solidarity as a Legal and Constitutional Principle in European Countries: France, In: Solidarity as a Public Virtue?: Law and Public Policies in the European Union, Nomos, Baden-Baden