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    L’Europa dopo il 1945: Integrazione fra decolonizzazione e migrazione

    Centro Residenziale Universitario di Bertinoro (CEUB) Via Frangipane 6, Bertinoro (FC), Italia

    10 maggio, ore 15.00-18.30
    Saluti: Giuliana Laschi (Università di Bologna)
    Introduzione ai lavori: Valeria Deplano (Università di Cagliari) 
    Prima Sessione: Asilo, sicurezza e accoglienza
    Sergio Bontempelli (operatore legale e studioso), Politiche dell'asilo e ambiguità dell'accoglienza
    SIlvia Aru (University of Amsterdam), Regimi di confine a Ventimiglia. Quale sicurezza, quale libertá?
    Mackda Ghebremariam Tesfaù (Università di Padova), "Perché non te li porti a casa tua?" Una ricerca qualitativa su anti-razzismo e accoglienza
    Presiede: Cecilia Novelli (Università di Cagliari)

    11 maggio, ore 9.30-12.30
    Seconda sessione: Migrare, contenere, integrare
    Enrico Gargiulo (Università Ca' Foscari), Integrare, educare, disciplinare: le ambiguità delle politiche di civic integration
    Gianluca Bascherini (Università di Roma La Sapienza), L'Italia e le migrazioni, tra storia costituzionale e prospettive europee
    Antonio Maria Morone (Università di Pavia), Le politiche di contenimento dei migranti nella Libia contemporanea
    Presiede: Giuliana Laschi (Università di Bologna)
    Conclusione dei lavori: Alessandro Pes (Università di Cagliari)
    Convegno finale del progetto Jean Monnet “Europe post-1945: Integration between Decolonization and Migration?” – InDeMig
    Comitato scientifico: Valeria Deplano, Giuliana Laschi, Alessandro Pes
    Organizzazione: Fabio Casini-Centro di Eccellenza Jean Monnet Punto Europa

    Women and Post-War Transitions: Violence

    Trubarjeva hiša literature Stritarjeva ulica 7, Ljubljana, Slovenia

    ERC Advanced Grant project EIRENE is hosting the second workshop, titled “Women and Post-War Transitions: Violence”. We have comprised presentations covering the periods after both World Wars and the transitional years in the 1990s.
    THURSDAY, 6 June 2019

    8:30–9:00 Welcome reception
    9:00–9:10 Roman Kuhar – Deanʾs speech
    9: 10–9:40 Marta Verginella – Gendered Violence and Trauma in the Twentieth-Century Post-War Periods (welcome speech and introduction)

    9:45–11:00 Bruna Bianchi – Violence against Women in Post-War Years. The Feminist Point of View (keynote speaker)

    11:00–11:15 Break
    11:15–12.45: Panel 1: The 1990s: Between Stigmatization and Empowerment
    Chair: Gorazd Bajc

    Anna Di Lellio – Puncturing the Public Secret of Wartime Sexual Violence as Power. The Case of Kosovo
    Nena Močnik – Shaping of Motherhood in the Aftermath of War-Rapes

    12:45–13:45 Break
    13:45–15:45 Panel 2: From Particular to Massive Perspectives of Violence
    Chair: Tullia Catalan

    Gorazd Bajc – Violence against Women in Trieste in the First Period after the Second World War
    William Mikkel Dack – Breaking the Silence: Denazification and Violence against German Women in the Post-War
    Daniele Ceschin – Violence against Civilians in the Occupied Territories (1917–1918)

    15:45–16:00 Break
    16:00–17:30 Panel 3: Behind the Curtain of Insanity
    Chair: Teresa Bertilotti

    Dagmar Wernitznig – “The Madwoman in the Basement”: Post-Traumatic Stress of Female Citizens, Refugees, and Deportees in Carinthia after WWI and WWII
    Jelena Seferović – Violence of the Former Soldiers of the First World War in the Familial Context: Examples from Psychiatric Institutions

    FRIDAY, 7 June 2019
    9:00–9:30 Snack
    9:30–11:30 Panel 4: Outcomes of the Great War: Contextualizing Gender Based Hostilities
    Chair: Dagmar Wernitznig

    Meta Remec – Post-War Echoes of Interim Violence: Women between Rape-Caused Stigma and Domestic Violence after WWI
    Matteo Perissinotto – Violence against Women in the Julian March (1918–1922)
    Tina Bahovec – “The South Slavic Rape of the Occupied Carinthian Territory.” Violent Words and Violent Deeds in the Border Conflict in Carinthia after World War

    11:30–11:45 Break
    11:45–13:15 Panel 5: Presenting Early Stages of Fieldwork: Sharing Debatable Insights
    Chair: Manca G. Renko

    Urška Strle –Mobility in the Post-War Border Areas: Detecting Refugees in Gendered Perspective
    Petra Testen Koren – Violence against Women in the Documents of the Archivio di Stato di Gorizia (1919–1921)
    Francesca Rolandi – Violence and Transition in Fiume/Rijeka and Sušak after the First World War

    Citizens and Subjects in the Italian Colonies: Legal Constructions and Social Practices (1882-1943)

    PHD Global History & Governance largo San Marcellino 10, Napoli, Italia

    Università di Napoli Federico II - Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali

    Università degli Studi di Milano - Dipartimento di Studi Storici

    PRIN2015: Redrawing the boundaries of citizensship in the First World War and its aftermath

    Con il patrocinio della SISSCO
    20 June 14:30
    Welcome Address:
    Stefano Consiglio, Director of the Department of Social Sciences – Università di Napoli Federico II
    Gabriella Gribaudi, Board of SISSCo (Società Italiana per lo Studio della Storia Contemporanea)
    Olindo De Napoli (Università di Napoli Federico II), Opening Remarks
    Legal Constructions Between Metropole and Colonies
    Giacomo Demarchi (Università degli Studi di Milano), chair
    Federico Cresti (Università degli Studi di Catania), Subjects or Citizens? The Legal Status of Indigenous Peoples in the First Decade of Italian Occupation in Libya (1911-1920)
    Alessia Di Stefano (Università degli Studi di Catania), Italian Judicial Practice in Libya: a Laboratory for Citizenship
    Filippo Espinoza (Università di Bologna), "A sui generis type of Italian nationality for the Levant assuring the benefits of the protection of a great power without fiscal and military responsibilities": Fascist expansionism in the Eastern Mediterranean and the construction of Aegean citizenship
    Carlo Bersani (Università Niccolò Cusano), Colonial Citizenships and the Advisory Activity of the Consiglio Superiore Coloniale
    21 June 9:30
    Practices of Citizenship in the Colonies
    Daniela L. Caglioti (Università di Napoli Federico II), chair
    Roberta Pergher (Indiana University), The boundaries of Citizenship across Nation and Empire
    Nicola Camilleri (Università degli Studi di Padova), The rule and the exception. Naturalization processes in Colonial Eritrea
    Valentina Fusari (Università di Pavia), "Meticciato", Abandoned Childhood and Citizenship: Anthropological and Demographic Consideration about the Eritrean Case Study
    Luca Castiglioni (Università degli Studi di Milano), Conflicting Identities. Colonial Practices of Identity Neutralisation in the Italian Dodecanese
    21 June 14:30
    Colonial Encounters
    Francesco Rotondo (Università di Napoli Federico II), chair
    Andrea Tarchi (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), "Mixture" in Colonial Benghazi: Forging Racial Boundaries through Public Morality
    Bukola Oyeniyi (Missouri State University), "Including the Marginalized and Marginalizing the Included”: Negotiating Identity and Power in Italian Libya
    Michele Sollai (Graduate Institute of International and Development studies - Geneva), Colonial Encounters in the Countryside. Italian and Ethiopian Farmers at the Crossroads of Empire Building (1937-1944)
    Boris Adjemian (Institut des Mondes Africains - Paris), The Integration of Foreigners into an African Society through the Eye of a Colonial Administration: Armenians and Greeks during the Italian Occupation of Ethiopia (1936-1941)

    Anna Baldinetti (Università degli Studi di Perugia),
    Pamela Ballinger (European University Institute),
    Simona Berhe (Università degli Studi di Milano),
    Uoldelul Chelati Dirar (Università di Macerata),
    Cristina Vano (Università di Napoli Federico II)
    Scientific Committee:
    Simona Berhe, Daniela L. Caglioti, Giacomo Demarchi, Olindo De Napoli

    Historical forms of sustainability. Models for the future? Collective forests and pastures since 1700 in a European perspective

    Bern Unitobler / Lerchenweg 36, Room F -121, Bern, Svizzera

    Il 22-23 novembre si volgerà presso l’Institute of History, University of Bern, il workshop Historical forms of sustainability–models for the future? Collective forests and pastures since 1700 in a European perspective, promosso da Rahel Wunderli e Martin Stuber dell’Historisches Institut der Universität Bern, nell’ambito del progetto SCALES (Sustainable Commons Adaptations to Landscape Ecosystems in Switzerland), in collaborazione con IASC (International Association for the Study of the Commons) Funding: University of Bern.

    Per chi volesse partecipare:
    Listeners are welcome, please register by 20 November at raphael.dettling@hist.unibe.ch

    Guerres et profits en longue durée

    MInistère de l’économie et des Finances 139, rue de Bercy, Parigi, Italia

    Martedì 26 novembre e mercoledì 27 novembre a Parigi, presso il Ministero delle Finanze della Repubblica francese, si terrà il workshop internazionale "Guerres et profits en longue durée".

    Obiettivo del convegno è quello di analizzare in una prospettiva di lungo periodo il rapporto tra guerre e profitti in Europa.

    Per partecipare al workshop che si terrà presso una sede istituzionale estera è necessario iscriversi al seguente portale: https://e-formation.igpde.finances.gouv.fr/forms/content/display_campaign.php?url=1fd33c396b5b3eff7e5b0510ea645721

    Antisemitismo, un pericolo sottovalutato

    Auditorium del Palazzo Pretorio Piazza Farinata degli Uberti, Empoli, Italia

    Zeffiro Ciuffoletti (Università di Firenze) e Giglola Sacerdoti Mariani (Università di Firenze) introducono una riflessione sulla crescente diffusione dell'antisemitismo e dell'antisionismo. Coordinamento di Valentino Baldacci.
    L'incontro è promosso dall'Associazione Italia-Israele di firenze con il patrocinio del Comune di Empoli e dell'ANED (Associazione nazionale ex deportati nei campi nazisti):

    Public Diplomacy

    Pavia, Università degli Studi,Aula Magna Strada Nuova 65, Pavia, Italia

    Nell'ambito della winter-school promossa dal Dipartimento di studi umanistici dell'Università di Pavia ( 2-7 dicembre 2019) e imperniata sulla diplomazia pubblica, intesa nelle principali articolazioni del soft power e delle sue pratiche, in prospettiva diacronica e politematica, tre successive sessioni sono rispettivamente dedicate a: 1. The new public diplomacy and foreign publics. Lectures and workshop on:

    Public diplomacy in the Age of artificial Intelligence;

    Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding;

    Public Diplomacy: an interview

    with Corneliu Bijola; Paul Sharp; Ilaria Poggiolini and Lorenzo Medici; coordinator and discussant  Ilaria Poggiolini;

    2. A diplomacy of ideas: the influence of Italian political and strategic thinking in the Modern Age . Lectures and workshop on:

    Italian writers and European debates on reason of state and international law:

    Hard and soft power in historical perpspective;

    Legal framework and stability policies activities in crisis response operations .

    With Francisco Xavier Gil Pujol, Mario Rizzo and Emmanuele Barbieri, coordinator and discussant   Mario Rizzo

    3. Promoting the regime abroad: cultural and artistic images of fascist Italy.Lectures and workshop on:

    Under Western eyes: foreign observes in fascist Italy ;

    Fraternity and cultural  rivalry between France and Italy in the second half of the 19th century.

    With Emilio Gentile, Jean-Yves Frétigné, Michele Cattane, coordinator and discussant Elisa Signori


    Women and Post-War Transitions: Work

    Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università di Trieste Androna Campo Marzio, 10, Trieste, Italia

    ERC Advanced Grant project EIRENE in collaboration with Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università di Trieste, is hosting its third workshop, titled “Women and Post-War Transitions: Work“. We offer you a wide range of presentations covering the periods after both World Wars and the transitional years in the 1990s.
    CHECK PROGRAM HERE: https://project-eirene.eu/woman-and-post-war-transitions-work/
    About the topic:
    The destruction and devastation caused by the ravages of war left a deep mark in post-war periods, in which an abrupt ending of the wartime economy did not always result in an immediate shift to the peacetime economy. The uncertainty of geopolitical and administrative frameworks upon the introduction of the new political regimes dictated the tempo of the post-war reconstruction and new economic directions. The latter were subject to research, the labour market in post-war transitions less so, particularly in terms of questions addressing the female population’s labour.
    The symposium will highlight the dynamic of work processes in a gendered perspective in different post-war periods of the 20th century. Different groups of working women (employees of tobacco and textile factories, office workers, port employees, housemaids, social workers, police officers, teachers, and members of the intelligentsia) will be subject to a comparative analysis in order to establish similarities and differences between respective regions and spot differences between global tendencies and local realities. The EIRENE project focuses primarily on research of the multicultural area of the north-eastern Adriatic, where women’s labour, particularly in the post-war periods, experienced a significant impact of the geopolitical changes. The symposium’s primary aim is to improve the understanding of the post-war social and economic conditions that shaped the labour market. By highlighting specific fields of work, it will also facilitate a discussion of individual aspects of discrimination as empowerment of women in the labour market.

    Spring School Terrorism and Security Politics IPSE 2020

    Luogo Senza Nome Padova

    IPSE – International Politics and Security Spring School originates in the MA Program in European and Global Studies, held by the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies of the University of Padua.IPSE addresses the main changes in International Politics & Security, thanks to an historical and integrated approach: it relies on a network of 10 European Universities, involving worldwide well-known experts that study in-depth this phenomenon from a multidisciplinary perspective.
    In the last decades, due to a pressing rise of terrorists attacks, the studies related to political violence have known a new wave of interest among academics, scholars, intellectuals in general. From history to political science, from sociology to economy and international relations, IPSE offers a unique opportunity to learn the most relevant scientific developments in this area of knowledge. IPSE is open to MA and PhD students, and early postdoctoral students who have a specific interest in these topics.
    The first edition (May 27-30, 2020) is dedicated to the analysis of the terrorist threat and security politics. Main topics will be: the impact of terrorism over international and national systems; mobility and security; cybersecurity; radicalization. Given the seminar structure of the Spring School, IPSE wants to be a fertile moment of discussion among senior scholars and young researchers on the most updated research in the field.

    Contagi. Saperi, pratiche, esperienze dal Medioevo all’età contemporanea: Tesimonianze e voci di donne

    online Società italiana delle storiche - Via della Lungara, 15, Roma, Italia

    La Società italiana delle storiche invita, mercoledì 4 novembre alle 17.00, al primo di quattro webinar del ciclo Contagi. Saperi, pratiche, esperienze dal medioevo all'età contemporanea, dal titolo
    Introduce Raffaella Sarti
    Marina d’Amelia, Wuhan. Diario da una città chiusa
    Maria Antonella Fusco, Cronache di un altro virus fra Italia e USA
    Coordina Giulia Calvi.

    L'incontro si tiene sulla piattaforma Zoom: questo il link al quale connettersi per partecipare all'incontro