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    Comparing the cultural history of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany

    21/03/2019 | 15:00 - 22/03/2019 | 23:59

    The workshop will explore connections and comparisons between the cultural histories of Italian Fascism and German National Socialism. Intended to foster exchanges between historians of Italy and Germany, this interdisciplinary event will cover a variety of topics, including art, architecture, literature, history writing and everyday life. 
    Thursday 21 March 2019
    15.00–15.30 Introduction 
    Christian Goeschel (University of Manchester) and Hannah Malone (Freie Universität Berlin)
    Chair: Oliver Janz (Freie Universität Berlin)
    Marla Stone (Occidental College), ‘Collaboration and Conflict: The Wartime Culture of Display in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany’
    Robert Gordon (Cambridge), ‘Pasolini in Weimar 1942’
    Grazia Sciacchitano (University of St Andrews), ‘Comparing Dictatorships: The Challenges of The Field’
    17.00–17.30 Coffee break
    Chair: Arnd Bauerkämper (Freie Universität Berlin)
    Helen Roche (University of Durham), ‘“Als Jungmann einer Nationalpolitischen Erziehungsanstalt interessiert Italien, weil es heute das Land ist, das in seiner Politik am festesten an Deutschland geknüpft ist”: Nazi elite-school pupils as youth ambassadors between Fascist Italy and the Third Reich’
    Patrick Ostermann (Technische Universität Dresden), ‘The Catholic Fascists’ Ambivalent View of Germany’
    Friday 22 March 2019
    Chair: Christian Freigang
    Kate Ferris (University of St Andrews),‘Using Alltagsgeschichte to understand cultures of the ‘everyday’ in fascist Italy (and elsewhere).’
    Joshua Arthurs (West Virginia University), ‘From the Monumental to the Everyday: Shifting Perspectives on the Cultural History of Italian Fascism’
    John Foot (Bristol University), ‘Microhistory, Fascism and Nazism: Everyday Life and Violence’
    11.00–11.30 Coffee
    Chair:  Christian Goeschel (University of Manchester)
    Giulia Albanese (University of Padua), ‘“La lezione italiana”: Representing and promoting fascism abroad in the 1920s’
    Mercedes Peñalba Sotorrio (Manchester Metropolitan University),‘From one war to another. Nazi propaganda in Spain during World War II’
    Christian Fuhrmeister (Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich), ‘Art History, Art Protection, and Propaganda – re-assessing German and Nazi initiatives in Fascist Italy before and after 1943’
    13.00–14.30 Lunch break
    Chair: Lucy Riall (European University Institute, Fiesole)
    Carmen Belmonte (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut), ‘Dealing with a Difficult Heritage: Fascist-era Monumental Art in Italy’
    Clare Copley (University of Central Lancashire), “Guilty buildings”? Responding to the built legacies of Fascism and National Socialism
    Daniela R. P. Weiner (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill/ Fulbright Graduate Fellow, Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research), ‘Educational Transferences: Comparisons of the Textbook Revision Processes in Allied-Occupied Italy and Germany, 1943-1949’

    16:00-16:30 Coffee
    16.30-17.00 Closing discussion
    Chair: Hannah Malone


    21/03/2019 | 15:00
    22/03/2019 | 23:59
    Categoria Evento:
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    Fabeckstraße 25


    Hannah Malone