International Conference on Eu and Latin American Relations: Between Diplomacy and Paradiplomacy.
Thursday, 18th November 2021 – Forlì
h 14.30Welcome speeches and introduction to the conference by Giuliana Laschi, University of Bologna
I Panel:The institutionalization and normalization of paradiplomacy in foreign policy in Latin America
Chair: Mario Torres Jarrín, Institute of European Studies and Human Rights at the Pontifical University of Salamanca (Spain)h 14.50Noé Cornago, University of País Vasco (España), Foreign policy transformation and normalization of paradiplomacy: distinctive features of the Latin American case
h 15.10Gian Luca Gardini, University of Udine (Italy), A conceptual framework for EU-LAC diplomatic relations
h 15.30Nahuel Oddone, Head of promotion and exchange in Social Policies, Instituto Social del Mercosur (Paraguay), Paradiplomacia transfronteriza en América Latina: oportunidades y desafíos frente a la reapertura de fronteras y la recuperación económica post-COVID
h 15.50Paulina Astroza, European Studies Program, University of Concepción (Chile), La institucionalización de la paradiplomacia en un Estado unitario y centralizado: el caso de Chile
h 16.10-16.30Comments and questions
II Panel:Agenda 2030 and paradiplomacy
Chair: Nahuel Oddone, Head of promotion and exchange in Social Policies, Instituto Social del Mercosur (Paraguay)
h 16.50Mariano Alvarez, Red de Expertos sobre Paradiplomacia e Internacionalización Territorial (REPIT), Localización de ODS e internacionalización territorial: una relación de doble beneficio
h 17.10Verónica Delgado, Law, Environment and Climate Change Program (DACC), University of Concepción (Chile), El rol de los territorios en los ODS y el cambio climático, a la luz del proceso constitucional de Chile y su proyecto de ley de Cambio Climáticoh 17.30Javier Sánchez Cano, Head of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, DG Development Cooperation, Generalitat de Catalunya (España-Barcelona), Paradiplomacia en tiempos de covid: Agenda 2030 y “actorness” global
h 17.50Florencia Rubiolo, CONICET / University Blas Pascal (Argentina), Paradiplomacia y cooperación Sur Sur: aportes teóricos y prácticas para el desarrollo regional en América Latinah 18.10-18.45Comments and questions
Friday 19th November 2021 – Bertinoro
h 15.00Panel:Beyond traditional state diplomacy: Cities and Parliaments as international diplomatic actors
Chair: Paulina Astroza, European Studies Program, University of Concepción (Chile)
h 15.05Martin Martín Guillermo Ramírez, Secretary General of the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) (Alemania), Cross-Border Paradiplomacy in the European Union and Latin America: Conceptualization and Comparative Experiences
h 15.25Shaun Riordan, European Institute of International Studies (Salamanca – Spain), Paradiplomacy of cities: Bilbao and Barcelona cases studies
h 15.45Mónica Velasco Pufleau, European Institute of International Studies (Stockholm – Sweden), Diplomacia parlamentaria: El rol del Parlamento Europeo y sus miembros en la promoción de los derechos humanos en México (Caso Ayotzinapa)
h 16.25Mario Torres Jarrín, Institute of European Studies and Human Rights at the Pontifical University of Salamanca (Spain), La diplomacia de las ciudades. Caso Suecia: “Smart City Stockholm”
h 16.45Fernando Adolfo Iglesias, Direttore Cattedra Altiero Spinelli del Consorzio Interuniversitario Italiano per l’Argentina – CUIA (Argentina), Fallimento della strategia di integrazione economica in America Latina: ragioni e alternative
h 17.05 – 18.00General discussion