November 21, h. 2 pm
Università di Milano, Via Conservatorio 7, Sala lauree
Welcome: Angela Lupone, Dean of the Faculty
Laura Ammannati, Director of the Department
Christopher Wurst, U.S. Consulate in Milan
Keynote Speaker: Alan Taylor (University of Virginia) “The Divided Ground: Indians, Settlers, and the Northern Borderland of the American Frontier”
Discussant: Maurizio Valsania (Università di Torino)
Panel I
Chair: Susanna Delfino (Università di Genova)
Marco Sioli (Università di Milano) “Some Remarks on Thomas McKenney and his Portfolio of American Indians”
Scott Stevens (University of Syracuse) “The Influences of the Indian Removal Bill of 1830 on the Project of Thomas McKenney”
Deborah Besseghini (Università di Trieste) \”A Colony for the Cherokee in Northern Mexico: John Hunter and the \’Secret War\’ for Texas in the 1820s\”
Jean Marc Serme (University of Brest) “Andrew Jackson and the Indians”
Massimo De Giuseppe (Università IULM – Milano) “Pueblos, Misiones and Ciudadanos: American Indian Reservation Seen from Mexico”
Discussant: Renate Bartl (American Indian Workshop AIW)
November 22, h. 10
Museo del Risorgimento, Via Borgognone 23, Milano
Keynote Speaker: Paul Finkelman (University of Saskatchewan) “Chief Justice Marshall\’s Indian Law Jurisprudence and the Failure of American Justice”
Discussant: Luigi Marco Bassani (Università di Milano)
Panel II
Chair: Rosemarie Brisciana (Science Po, Paris)
Marina Dossena (Università di Bergamo) “Portraits in Words: Paul Kane, John Campbell, and the Representation of American Indians in Nineteenth-century Diaries”
Anna Re (Università IULM – Milano) “Ecocritcism and Native American Literatures”
Stefano Rosso (Università di Bergamo) “American Indians in the Dime Novels”
Linda Sue Warner, G. S. Briscoe and E. Gipp, “Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Education: The Effects of Self-Determination on Tribal Youth”
Nicole Perry (The University of Auckland) “Creative Subversions: Repainting the American West”
Discussant: The Audience
h. 1 pm
Inauguration of the exhibition: “Ritratti indiani dai Grandi Laghi alla Florida. La Galleria di Thomas McKenney e le origini del Bureau of Indian Affairs (1816-1836) “
A cura di Marco Sioli
22 novembre 2016 – 8 gennaio 2017
Palazzo Moriggia | Museo del Risorgimento
Martedì – domenica 9-13 / 14 – 17.30
Ingresso libero