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    Workshop “Religion and Decolonization: The Catholic Church and the African Decolonization”

    Febbraio 27

    This “Religion and decolonization” workshop, held alternately between the University of Fribourg and KU Leuven, is organized by the research group “The Global Pontificate of Pius XII: Catholicism in a Divided World (1945-1958)”. The objective of this second edition is to intersect religious and political perspectives on decolonization.

    Two recent books focusing on French decolonization in Africa will be presented by their authors:
    – Marialuisa Lucia Sergio, How the Church Under Pius XII Addressed Decolonization: The Issue of Algerian Independence
    – Nicolas Bancel, Décolonisations ? Élites, jeunesse et pouvoir en Afrique occidentale française (1945-1960)

    Two PhD students from the “The Global Pontificate of Pius XII” will present their research:
    – Aurel Dewarrat, The Catholic Church and Decolonization in Cameroon : Politico-religious perspectives
    – Sam Kuijken, «La Chiesa e lo Stato Belga siano due cose veramente distinte»: Church-State relations and Decolonization in Belgian Congo


    Febbraio 27
    Categorie Evento:


    Université de Fribourg / Universität Freiburg
    BQC 11 2.525 Avenue Beauregard 11 1700 Fribourg
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