
Calendario di storia contemporanea


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    Centro Studi Americani

    1. Eventi
    2. Luoghi
    3. Centro Studi Americani
    Eventi at this luogo

    Documenting and Displaying African American History and Culture

    Centro Studi Americani Via Michelangelo Caetani, 32, ROMA, Italia

    The U. S. Embassy to Italy  and  The Center for American Studies

     are pleased to invite you
    to a program on

    Documenting and Displaying African American History and Culture

    Rex M. Ellis
    Associate Director for Curatorial Affairs,
    National Museum of African American History and Culture
    Smithsonian Institution


    Richard J. Powell, John Spencer Bassett Professor of Art and Art History
    Duke University

    Emanuela Del Re, Professor of Political Sociology
    University “La Sapienza” and University “Niccolò Cusano”
    Simultaneous translation