Dr Serapiglia is currently a Ramón y Cajal researcher at the Department of Political History, Theories and Geography of the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology at the Complutense University of Madrid. Until January 2021 he was a postdoctoral researcher in História Contemporânea at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa working on the project entitled “A social revolution. Football and fascism in southern Europe from 1922 to 1975” (79.149,00 €). Dr Serapiglia is himself a good example of a ‘European researcher’ and a representative of the ‘Erasmus generation’. His Erasmus exchange in Coimbra during the academic year 2000-2001 was the starting point of his international academic career. After graduating in Humanities and specializing in Modern History in 2004, Dr Serpaiglia earned a PhD in European History at the University of Bologna and at University of Coimbra in 2009. His doctorate focused on corporatism in the New Portuguese State. From 2012 to 2013, he received a grant from the Gulbenkian Fundation of Lisbon to work on the project “Italian fascism in Portugal. The regime of Mussolini seen through Portuguese newspapers and magazines between 1922 and 1945” (11.000,00 €). Dr Serapiglia has published in 5 different languages (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and English). He is the author of several essays on the Portuguese Estado Novo; in 2011 he published a monograph entitled La via portoghese al corporativismo [The Portuguese Way to Corporatism]. In 2014 he edited and wrote the introduction to the Italian edition of Antonio Ferro’s Interviews with Salazar. Since 2011, he has focused on the social history of sport, publishing articles, book chapters, and editing the book “Tempo libero, sport e fascismo” [Free Time, Sport and Fascism], published in 2016. Additionally, Dr Serapiglia worked at the University of Bologna until May 2016 on the post-doctoral project “Social History of Italian Volleyball” (58.101,00 €). In 2018, he published the monograph “Uno sport per tutti. Soria sociale della pallavolo italiana (1918-1990)” [A Sport for Everyone. Social History of Italian Volleyball (1918-1990)]. This book has been adopted by the University of Bologna for its courses on sports education. This book was also of interest for important Italian newspapers and magazines such as Wired, Vanity Fair, and La Gazzetta dello Sport. The article “Il Barca̧ ‘meś que un club’: le radici del catalanismo blaugrana nel contesto della sportivizzazione spagnola”, was published in the leading Italian peer-reviewed journal Spagna contemporanea; while the article “Fé e Futebol. Muscular Catholicism between Italy and Portugal in the European Identity (1922-1958)” was published in the impactful journal Lusotopie. The article “In Memory of the 1934 World Cup” has recently been accepted for publication in the prominent journal Soccer&Society. In 2022, Dr Serapiglia and Dr Juan Antonio Simón will publish the book Football and Fascism in the Iberian Peninsula, 1926-1975 as part of the Peter Lang Sport, History and Culture series. From 2013 to 2016 Dr Serapiglia led undergraduate seminars on the history of sport at the University of Bologna. He has also given papers at international conferences on the history of sport and the history of fascism in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Belgium, England and France. Dr Serapiglia is editor-in-chief of European Studies in Sport History and member of editorial board of the Italian journals Storia dello Sport .Rivista di studi contemporanea and Bibliomanie . He is currently a member of four international research networks (see CV). He was a visiting scholar in the Departamento de Motricidad, Rendimiento Humano y Gestión del Deporte at Universidad Europea de Madrid, the International Centre for Sports History and Culture at De Montfort University, Leicester and the Remarque Institute of New York University (thanks to a prestigious and highly competitive grant created by Tony Judt). Dr Serapiglia is a highly mature, professional and independent young scholar producing and disseminating high-quality interdisciplinary research. He is Principal investigator of the project Patrias y dioses. Religión y nacionalismo en la Europa del Sur global (1914-1965)
Books (author):
Books (editor):
Papers in international scientific journals with referees:
Interviews in international scientific journals:
Chapter of Book: